Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Beginning

So I started my journey on June 26, 2010 just wanting to loose that darn baby weight.  I had become the heaviest I have ever been and truly just did not like myself.  With a lot of support from my husband I joined a group that did a boot camp 2 days a week just after I got off work.  I really had no excuses why I couldn't my husband would pick up the kids and I could begin my journey. 

First day I had to do walking lunges around a park and OMG I thought I might die!   I always was athletic so I always thought to myself I may be fat but I am still atheltic and healthy.  Wrong!  That first day stays with me always and it is a reminder of where I started and where I am going.

I am a working mother of 2 young children and know how hard it is to find time for just me.  But a little over a year now and over 30lbs lighter I am now starting a whole new journey.  I am training for my first figure & fitness competition in May 2012.  This new journey is why I decided to begin blogging.  I have so many thoughts and emotions that go along with what I am doing now that I felt just writing them out would help. 

I have very long way to go but hope you will follow my journey and that I can just encourage one person to begin their journey would be an amazing result of this blog. 

So long for now and I will again be posting more on me and the things I experience.

Thank you for reading.
One Fit Mommy of 2